Equilibrium Therapy Perfume - Headache



Perfume Therapy oils made from the highest quality natural ingredients. Pure essential oil blended with an organic jojoba oil. This essential oil perfume is specially designed to provide the wearer with a subtle therapy. Use daily and carry with you to smell amazing and get the essential oil therapy you are after.

Headache: The perfect blend of essential oils to rub on your temples when in need of some relief.



organic jojoba oil, chamomile essential oil, lavender essential oil, frankincense essential oil,  peppermint  essential oil. 


Organic jojoba oil: did you know that jojoba oil mimics are own skin’s natural oils and can penetrate at a deeper level. Organic jojoba oil contains essential fatty acids, powerful antioxidants and vitamins. It is naturally gentle and non irritation, making it the perfect oil for any skin type. 

Chamomile essential oil: is a very calming oil and can be used by anyone who is under stress. It is also a great oil if you need to feel a sense of calm. 

Lavender essential oil:is the best known aromatherapy essential oil there is for soothing, calming and relaxing. It is the perfect aromatherapy to use when anxious, in need of settling, for sleep and for stressful situations. 

Frankincense essential oil: is a calming, revitalising oil that is perfect for meditation.

Peppermint essential oil:  can boost energy, clear the respiratory tract, stimulate circulation, alleviate feelings of nervous tension and stress, and soothe feelings of irritability